About me

My name is Marcel.


My hobbies mainly include: Gaming, 3D-modelling and Music
Gaming and Music are almost the same hobby to me.
I’ve learned myself to play the piano by ear, and I mainly play music that is from video games.
My favorite genre in games is Rhythmgames.

 Since a few years I’ve been into the Rhythm genre of games.
It all started with “Daigasso!!Band Brothers” for the Nintendo DS, and after a while I also bought the Expansion.
After some time “Osu!Tatakae!Ouendan!” was released, and that one was also on a plane to me.
At some point I became a Katamari addict and bought a PS2, but since Katamari was still being shipped to me from the USA, I bought Guitar Hero to kill some time.

By coincidence I ran into the game “DJ Max Portable” for the PSP, and for quite some time this was my all favorite game. (A second part was released, and it’s almost just as good.)
Also by coincidence, someone in a chat over at Moz La Punk mentioned the game “Beatmania IIDX”.
I went to check it out, imported the special controller at Playasia.com, and also the game “Beatmania IIDX 8th Style”.

Not sure how I got notice of this, but somewhere I found out about “Pop’n Music”. The game which started my addiction and the main cause of the existence of this blog.

(If you don’t know what Pop’n Music is, the following link will give you an impression 😉 http://youtube.com/watch?v=fGhqz7-01k0)

The first thing I did was build my own Pop’n Music Arcade Style Controller.
I was so thrilled to play the game, that I kinda finished it up too quick, so it doesn’t look that great.
Still, the game is amazing ( Too bad most of the people I know find it too hard to play).

Since I had the controller, I began to like the game more and more, and I was thinking about building a real Arcade cabinet for a while, but a few weeks ago I decided to go for it….

Hopefully it’ll turn into something nice 🙂

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