Just a small update

I know I broke all my records of not posting, but I do have a valid reason for it 🙂
Just want to let the people, who still read this blog, know what’s happening.
Since about half a year I’ve been having some problems with my back.
Something is wrong with one of my lower vertebra…

Almost every movement I make really hurts and bending forward is really difficult.
(At this time, I can’t even tie my shoes the normal way. To do that I have to put my foot on my other leg, so that I can reach it >_< )
Anyway, I’ve been to my general practitioner, who sent me to physiotherapy. But that guy couldn’t fix it and sent me to another physiotherapist, but after a few sessions he sent me back to my general practitioner because he couldn’t fix it either. And that is were I am now…

So you see it’s kinda impossible for me to work on my cabinet, since it feels like a knife is stuck in my back 😦


I think it’ll take a few months to make the pain go away (íf they finally find out what’s wrong with my back) but I’ll let you know when this is over and I can get back to working on my cabinet again 😀

12 Responses to “Just a small update”

  1. lloyd Says:

    did you die? 😦 i was really interested in this..

  2. Marcel V Says:

    Nahh, I’m still alive 😉 Just had other priorities.

    Alot has happened since, but it still isn’t 100% finished.
    It is in a playable state now (so the “finish it” spirit is less since I can already play Pop’n Music again 😛 )

    Only need to attach the Speakers and wire them , then it’s finished.
    The only problem now is that I have two jobs on the side and that my cabinet is still at my parents…

  3. lloyd Says:

    can u make a video or something when u get chance?
    i really really wanna make one of these cabs. im in japan at the moment and returning back to UK soon and im gonna miss it so much…

  4. Marcel V Says:

    I already made a few video’s but they’re on my Facebook atm, I’ll check if I can upload them somewhere else

  5. lloyd Says:


    • Marcel V Says:

      Did a little searching on my PC, but can’t find the videofiles anymore.
      And since you can’t download video’s off Facebook I can’t upload them to youtube.

      I’ll have another look tomorrow since I have to get some sleep now 😉

  6. lloyd Says:

    did you find them?
    im back in the uk now… and missing popn

    • Marcel V Says:

      Can’t find them on my PC anymore, but I’ll be able to play on the cabinet again this weekend. I’ll try to remember to make some footage 🙂

  7. Thiago Says:

    Men, i hope your back is better by now. Nice cab, keep posting, really interesting.

  8. Marcel V Says:

    Made some new video’s, but totally forgot to upload them. (And at this moment I don’t have my USB cable with me)

    I’m supposed to leave on vacation on the 25th, only problem is that my destination is Japan, so everything is a bit hectic right now.

    Perhaps that I’ll have some time tomorrow or in the weekend, but my main focus is at my vacation at this moment.

  9. lloyd Says:

    You shouldn’t worry too much about Japan.
    Foreign media have blown it out of proportion.
    The radiation – It’s totally safe at the moment. (It’s not even more radiation than from a microwave)
    although obviously that can change.

    Hope to see some videos soon though 🙂

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