Behold the colossus!

Spend this evening on the main planks of the cabinet (Left/Right side, bottom, top and the backside)

The sides got (thicker) beams attached, so other planks can be screwed to those.
(Screwing a 9mm plank to a 9mm plank will most likely result in split wood…)

And after making all the needed planks the correct size and drilling holes in the right places, it was time to put it together.

 Yes, you can live comfortable inside of it..

I never expected it to be this huge, but at least it’s the perfect size for me.
TV height “fits” my head, and the controlpanel is in perfect reach.

I did change one small thing in the design, since I heard some people on a Bemani forum talking about the controlpanel being slightly tilted. Not sure at what precise angle it is now, but it’s perfect for me;-)

Next weekend I’ll be attaching more planks to the cabinet, unscrew them again and make them fit perfectly…

2 Responses to “Behold the colossus!”

  1. El Hefe Grande Says:

    That thing reminds me of that Pod from HL2 :). Looks great though.

  2. DoLL Says:

    Wow, I’m glad that I found your blog. I’m thinking about embarking on the exact same endeavor as you are. It’s gonna be fairly expensive, but not as much as a real arcade machine =P

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